Reid Belstock:

Reid began juggling at the

age of 15, as a way of overcoming gross and fine motor skill impairment. One year later, Reid began his first performing opportunity at Elitch Gardens, a local

Amusement Park. From the very first show, he knew it was a calling. After high school, Reid went off to study with the famed Ringling Brothers, and Barnum and Bailey Circus Clown College, where he learned the fine art of Slapstick and Physical Comedy.


Reid was then recommended to Walt Disney World to participate in a collegiate program called the Entertainment Arts Festival working with director Lloyd Brant.  Reid's comical persona and technical juggling technique were blended to create a show that was both Hilarious, and highly skilled.  Reid's work has been seen in Theaters, Cruise Lines, Las Vegas.

Warren Hammond:

Warren discovered juggling when he was 14 years old in

his hometown of Roanoke Virginia.


Since then he has gotten a degree in Biology, been to graduate school, worked as a genetic engineer and given it all up to pursue his passion for juggling, performing and making people laugh at Reid.


He has been trained by such legends in his field as Evgeni Biljauer, Peter Davison and Michael Menes as well as studied Improvisational Theater and toured with the Off-Broadway show, Lazer Vaudeville. He's looking forward to bringing his unique brand of juggling, comedy and sideshow to the stage as part of Smirk!